Food, shelter, environment. With so much to do for our communities and the people who call them home, the Defender has the versatility to help however you're needed.


Established in 1994, Chattahoochee Riverkeeper's mission is to educate, advocate and secure the protection and stewardship of the Chattahoochee River and its lakes, tributaries and watershed, restoring and conserving the health of this vital ecosystem for the people and wildlife that depend on it. They employ a variety of strategies to protect and preserve the Chattahoochee watershed, including water monitoring, education, research, advocacy and in some cases, legal action. 10,000 members throughout the Southeast support their efforts for this important ecosystem and everything it provides for its region and the planet.


Connecting Kids to Meals (CKM) was established in 2001 with a mission to provide access to free, well-balanced meals for at-risk kids in Northwest Ohio. They serve 700,000 meals each year in low income and/or underserved areas where kids gather, including schools, after school programs, community centers, emergency shelters, sports teams, city parks and pools. The need is great with nearly 40% of kids in Toledo living in poverty and one in four going hungry. They provide about 95% of kid meals in their area during out-of-school hours, with the Summer Meal Program serving about 6,000 meals each day at 150 partner sites and the Afterschool Meal Program also providing educational, enrichment, or other activities. Thousands of kids would go hungry without their help. 


Enjoy Detroit started in 2013 with a passion for contributing positive change to the City of Detroit. They're dedicated to S.E.R.V.E. (Service. Educate. Revitalize. Victory. Elevate.) citizens through programs that strengthen the community, support self-sufficiency and advocate the advancement of youth. Enjoy Detroit has been able to connect with youth through volunteer efforts, consistent involvement in city rehabilitation activities and initiatives and by creating a platform for them to stand united and uplift Detroit.


Kairos Adventures empowers people with varying abilities to discover and develop their unique God-given potential and purpose. They offer innovative programs in the arts, including music, drama, dance, martial arts, culinary arts and video production, as well as local exploration opportunities and community service projects. The ancient Greek word “kairos” refers to the right time for crucial action, and the organization believes that by being present and engaged in a community that empowers and elevates artists, we all experience moments of kairos every single day. 


LiveOnNY is a federally designated organ procurement organization (OPO) for the New York City metropolitan area, Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester counties and the lower Hudson Valley. At the front line of organ recovery in greater New York, they work with 100 donor hospitals, eleven transplant centers in their designated service area and all transplant programs in the US to serve those in need. LiveOnNY manages all the communication with donor families in the hospitals and the clinical, operational, financial, and recovery and transportation logistics of the organ and tissue procurement process with hospitals and transplant centers across the nation.